Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jobs (Finding a Job in a Tough Econony)

It is sad that there is still a debate about if we are in a recession. My question to you is "Did you stop and read this post" since the answer is yes then you realize that we are in a recession. The worst thing during a recession is the worry of a job loss.

Whether you have lost your job or you are thinking of finding a new job. Take the time to consider your background. Some fields are still hiring such as computers, education, and health so consider if you have the transferable skills (for example, communication/computer/interpersonal) to make a change or if you need to establish stronger technical skills via certification/on the job training.

Remember, if you do experience a job lose review your family budget and downgrade/delete options such as cell phone, cable, clothers, gift buying, and travel. Also, check with your local/state/federal agencies for information and financial assistance (You paid into the system so accept the help)