Wednesday, December 10, 2008


As a pet owner, you may have concerns about exercising your dog during the winter months. Once you have spoken with a vet about your dog's ability to exercise your lifestyle may guide the exercise schedule you establish for your pet. For instance, if you jog during the morning you could take Spot with you. This will provide you with a companion and motivation while your pet enjoys air and mobility.

On the other hand, if your schedule calls for no exercise time you can allow a neighbor who exercises the chance to take Spot with him/her. This works best if the neighbor is in the same building or next door.

It is important to have a vet review your pet's medical history since he/she can determine the best exercises for your dog. For example, if you pet has arthritis the vet will limit the amount of running Spot can tolerate since pain and discomfort can occur.

Remember, exercising your pet during the winter can be enjoyable when an exercise plan is established.