Are you late in the morning trying to get your children ready? Do you wonder if the clock was turned back on purpose? As a mother with a chronic disease/disorder it can be trying to get your child/children ready when your own energy levels are low. Depending on the ages of your child/children they may be able to help in the morning. Actually, it starts in the evening after your child's bedtime. When I was young the following is what my parents did based on their time and what my adult nephew and adult niece do now:
If you have 10 exta minutes you may want to try:
- Place their favorite cereal, bowl, and spoon on the kitchen table.
- Keep the milk/the juice at eye level so he/she can reach them in the morning.
- Provide a choice of two to three fruits (perhaps an apple, an orange, and a banana).
If you have 20 extra minutes you may want to include:
- Leave two to three outfits for the morning.
- Check his/her alarm clock.
- Write down if he/she need to clean bedroom, organize shelves, or toys.
- If you can find 30 extra minutes (smile since not everyone can), here are a few options:
- Review his/her schoolwork-homework-activity folder for needed signatures.
- Check his/her homework especially if he/she has been having school problems.
- Decide if there is a central location within your apartment/home to keep backpacks/coats/umbrellas/shoes-if can save time.
If you have a two-parent household, the above is easier since your mate can cover you when you are not feeling well. However, if you a single parent, it is more important since your disease/disorder may cause more fatigue/pain in the morning.
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