Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Education (Day/Field Trips)

As a parent/guardian, you may have wondered if the time taken to accompany your child's field/day trips is worth the effort. It may be hard especially if you have to take off of work and your are the primary provider. However, it is a wonderful experience and your child will remember your time together.

Honestly, a parent/primary guardian is not the only choice. As a child, I recall various family members/friends taking turns to accompany my classmates on trips so the main concern was that a family member/family friend gave support.

It may not be realistic to go on all field/day trips. A good idea is to review the upcoming school trip calendar or check with your child's teacher(s) to determine the day/field trip dates so there are no surprises (If an employee, see if you can switch a day with a co-worker; If you are the boss, perhaps you can work in the evening/weekend).

Remember, the memory will last a lifetime.