Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Self Improvement (Stress Reduction)

Close you eyes and count to ten...think about the sunset which relaxing on a tropical, remote location...Imagine no phones, e-mails, visitors, barking pets, or open your eyes. I'm sorry I had to bring you back to reality but this vision can help you relax after a long day. Women tend to feel guilty when we step away from our responsibilities but it is important to mix business with pleasure. When your chronic disease/disorder is causing you stress, here are some ways to maintain your health without guilt:

  • Schedule 15 minutes in the morning to sip a cup of tea/coffee on your balcony/porch/patio.
  • Put the children to bed early to give yourself time to watch a 30 minute sitcom, read 2 to 3 book chapters, or check any personal e-mail for anniversary, birthday, or holiday invitations.
  • Listen to jazz music while doing house chores.
  • Minimize/delete unnecessary projects.
  • Take a break every hour when performing computer work to minimize tension.